Thursday, March 22, 2012

skanks with curly hair

dear diary,

school. freakin'. SUCKS!!!!!!!
my mom tells me not to use the word freakin'. she says its a bad word, but i don't think it is. i think the OTHER word that it's in place of is a bad word so they can't both be bad words if one is being used in place of the other because it's a bad word, right?

anyways. 2day that skank joslyn decided she was going to try and get armel to go to the dance with her!!! what a slut!!! she totally knows that I'VE been trying to get him to ask me for the longest time and then she decides to take her little skinny butt and had the freakin' nerve to sit next to him at lunch!!! you see what i mean? SLUT!!!!!! S-L-U-T. my mom says that's a bad word, too, but whatever. idc. she totally deserves it.
ugh. friend mandy says that her friend josh, who is friends with armel says that armel doesn't like joslyn because he thinks her hair is too curly but i don't really believe him because who would ever hate such beautiful brown curly hair?? i wish mine was like that sometimes...but i wouldn't want joslyn's skank curly hair. gross.

my mom is calling me for dinner. we're having fish sticks tonight. really mom??? kill me now.


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